Inclusion matters in Social Innovation

Contributions to a more inclusive society in general, and the involvement of people with activity limitations in particular play a considerable role for social innovation initiatives.

This is what an analysis of the SI-DRIVE dataset has shown. Jennifer Eckhardt (TU Dortmund University) presented the findings under the title “Observations on the role of digital social innovation for inclusion” at the conference “ISIRC 2016 – Social Innovation in the 21st Century: Beyond welfare capitalism?”, organised by the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health (Glasgow Caledonian University) in Glasgow on 5th to 7th September 2016. She pointed out the potential of digital social innovation as an instrument to boost an inclusive society. As 50% of all initiatives targeting an inclusive society base their service on digital devices, deeper analyses on this topic seemed promising. The results will also be published in an upcoming paper written by Jennifer Eckhardt, Christoph Kaletka and Bastian Pelka, to be included in the ISIRC proceedings.

Researchers from across the globe attended the multidisciplinary conference on research and theory of social innovation.
