On May 23rd, 2017 the Zhejiang University organised an international workshop titled “Innovation and Development” in Hangzhou, China. This key academic event on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of Zhejiang University was a unique opportunity for PHD-candidates from all over the world to present their researches on social innovation. The topics were manifold: comparative studies on the relationship between business and classical technological innovation models and business models with focus on sustainable and ecological innovation; innovation in the digital age; global corporate social responsibility, etc.
The representatives from Zhejiang University, which is also SI-DRIVE partner, focused in their contributions on social innovation (SI) in the context of different topics: SI and its relation to the Chinese economy and the reform of the Chinese administration system. As well, a hot topic was the intergovernmental interaction in subsidising innovative small-and-middle enterprises. Prof. Ka Lin, Prof. Daoge Fu and Prof. Zibing Zhang from Zhejiang University were mainly responsible for the organisation of the event and the content supervision.